06 April 2008

HEREAFTER 2.0: 15 concepts extending your life to the future a/o the hereafter

Italic = new in this index. Related categories: IDENTITY 2.0, LIFESTREAMING 2.0, SEMANTICS 2.0. For earlier updates cf. INDEX 2.0.

Curriculumillusione**~ - Get insight in & share your future life, and reach the Walhalla . View.

Futurescanner - Scan, submit, tag & vote for artices on the future (presented by year & category). View.

Helphookup - Add badge to your Facebook profile & get alerts on volunteer opportunities in your area. View.

Hernnerdingen*** - Memory shrine where children can publish things by which they remember deceased loved ones (More: http://mastersofmedia.hum.uva.nl/2007/09/30/stifosandberg/). View.

Knome - Whole-genome sequencing & analysis for individuals. View.

Latergator - Send your email later. View.

Lettermelater - Send email at any future date and time. View.

Livingmemory - Upload & share family trees, timelines, stories & photos (or create memories for someone you love). View.

Mailfreezr - Postpone sending your email for 1 - 100 years. View.

23andme - Check your genetic similarity to people from around the globe. View.

Callthefuture - Place future phone calls. View.

Mydeathspace - Directory of dead Myspace members. View.

Myvtc* - Share media & documents for generations to come. View.

Populationone - Your pixel and 6.5 billion other ones. View.

Powermap - Next level Google maps. View.

Respectance~* - Come together to remember loved ones. View.

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