19 April 2008

CONTENT 2.0: 25 special ways to organize, publish, protect & share content

Italic = new in this index. Related categories: CONTENT COMMERCE 2.0, PUBLISHING 2.0. For earlier updates cf. INDEX 2.0.

Crowdfound* - Submit & rate content; let the crowd decide what's on top. View.

Favebot - Keep track of your favorite content. View.

Favebot - Keep track of your favorite content. View.

Glass - Makes your cam phone read codes & retrieve content. View.

Jacked* - Dashboard of real-time news, stats & media related to tv programs. View.

Picocool - Explore & share obscure content from peer media, social networks & subcultures. View.

Wauw~ - Link your pc to your phone. View.

Zing - Explore & share content delivered wirelessly. View.

Zumobi - Navigate & share web-based content on your mobile phone. View.

Catalystmobile - Mobile music & entertainment solutions. View.

Frengo - Mobile entertainment & communications community. View.

Gutenkarte - Maps spatial components of classic literature. View.

Indistr - Sell or buy independent music. View.

Mediasilo - Digital asset management. View.

Mycoogee - Access, store & share your cell's contents (client). View.

Nellymoser - Mobile content delivery solutions. View.

Numly - Tag & protect your content with serial numbers (formerly ESBN). View.

Openwave - Adaptive mobile suite for content, communications and context solutions. View.

Perooz - Mobile content portal. View.

Personalinfocloud - Blog about ubiquitous content. View.

Putplace - Organize & share all your offline & online content. View.

Reviewbasics* - Provide & get feedback on content & creative work. View.

Streakr* - Stumble upon, rate & share content from social media. View.

Technoratikitchen - Saerch for microformats. View.

Trig* - Create & share your network & content, get featured. View.

Zingku - Text2website content sharing. View.

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