09 December 2007

FUN 2.0: 47 parodies on Web 2.0-ish mantras, attitudes, styles, concepts & businesses

Abcde… - Get the longest email-address. View.
Labels: EMAIL 2.0, FUN 2.0

Beggr - Give me your money. View.
Labels: ECONOMY 2.0, FINANCE 2.0, FUN 2.0

Brands20 - Traditional brands in 2.0 design style. View.
Labels: BRANDING 2.0, DESIGN 2.0 (GRAPHICAL -), FUN 2.0

Certifyr - Certify 2.0-ishness of your website. View.
Labels: FUN 2.0

Devshots - Create a Google-like logo. View.
Labels: FUN 2.0, SEARCH 2.0

Enormicom - Branding 2.0. View.
Labels: BRANDING 2.0, FUN 2.0

Extortr - Upload scandalous materials, then blackmail. View.
Labels: ECONOMY 2.0, FUN 2.0

Fark - Share links & comments to ridiculous news. View.
Labels: BOOKMARKING 2.0, FUN 2.0, NEWS 2.0

Flickrlogomakr - Make Flickr-like logo in a second. View.
Labels: DESIGN 2.0 (GRAPHICAL -), FUN 2.0, PHOTO 2.0

Fuckweb2 - Tagged manifesto to shut up about Web 2.0. View.
Labels: ABOUT 2.0, FUN 2.0, TAGGING 2.0

Getafirstlife - Parallel version of Second Life. View.
Labels: FUN 2.0, GAMING 2.0

Getthemlaid - Post your friends' pictures & give them some action. View.
Labels: DATING 2.O, FUN 2.0

Googlebrins - Create & share your Sergey Brin. View.
Labels: FUN 2.0

Googleromance - Find your soulmates. View.
Labels: DATING 2.O, FUN 2.0

Hamsterster - Community for hamster lovers. View.
Labels: COMMUNITY 2.0, FUN 2.0

Howmuchisyourblogworth - Compute your blog's worth. View.

I-know-where-you’ve-been - Reads out your last visited websites (thru Firefox). View.
Labels: BOOKMARKING 2.0, FUN 2.0

Isolatr - Isolate yourself from requests http://isolatrcom/. View.
Labels: FUN 2.0

Kadget - Repository of strange widget concepts. View.
Labels: FUN 2.0, WIDGETS 2.0

Leftoverlunch - Share your leftovers. View.
Labels: FUN 2.0

Monthlydollar - The world's 1st internet employee. View.
Labels: FUN 2.0, RECRUITING 2.0

Mothrfuckr - Submit & vote for the worst of Web 2.0. View.
Labels: FUN 2.0, RATING 2.0

Msig - Generate a 2.0-ish logo online. View.
Labels: BRANDING 2.0, DESIGN 2.0 (GRAPHICAL -), FUN 2.0

Myfootballclub - Collectively take over a soccer club, and then co-manage it. View.

Myfrienemies - Connect with people, show & share the same dislikes, annoyances & disappointments. View.
Labels: COMMUNITY 2.0, FUN 2.0

Qwerky - Blog on funny & strange 2.0 domain & brand names. View.
Labels: ABOUT 2.0, BLOGGING 2.0, BRANDING 2.0, FUN 2.0

Searchbots** - Create your own search robot. View.
Labels: BRILLIANT 2.0, FUN 2.0, SEARCH 2.0

Sorrygottago - Anti-communication software. View.
Labels: COMMUNICATING 2.0, FUN 2.0

Startupschwag - Subscribe to Web 2.0 start-up promotion-materials-of-the-month . View.
Labels: ECOMMERCE 2.0, FUN 2.0

Touristremover - Remove undesired objects & persons from your photos. View.
Labels: FUN 2.0, PHOTO 2.0

Uselessaccount - Impress your friends with your ability to tab through form fields and arrow through saved field values!. View.
Labels: FUN 2.0, IDENTITY 2.0

Wankr - Collaborative masturbation community. View.

Watchingthewebflyby - Animated logo race. View.
Labels: DESIGN 2.0 (GRAPHICAL -), FUN 2.0

Weatherbug - Share video weather casts. View.
Labels: FUN 2.0

Web20alizr - Generate & promote a 2.0 app automatically. View.
Labels: FUN 2.0

Web20awareness - Check your last visited links to decide how 2.0-aware you are. View.
Labels: FUN 2.0, STATS 2.0

Web20bingo - Bingo with 2.0 buzz words. View.
Labels: FUN 2.0, GAMING 2.0, MARKETING 2.0

Web20bullshitgenerator - Generate 2.0 speak. View.
Labels: FUN 2.0

Web20domainnamegenerator - Find cool 2.0 names. View.
Labels: FUN 2.0

Web20generator - Generate a 2.0 web page. View.
Labels: FUN 2.0

Web20namegenerator - Generates fancy web 2.0 brand names. View.
Labels: BRANDING 2.0, FUN 2.0

Web20quiz - Web 2.0 brand or Star Wars character quiz. View.
Labels: BRANDING 2.0, FUN 2.0

Web20stylr - Create your web 2.0 logography. View.
Labels: DESIGN 2.0 (GRAPHICAL -), FUN 2.0

Web20validator - Screen your website on 2.0-ishness. View.
Labels: FUN 2.0

Webfalls - Useless link sharing. View.
Labels: FUN 2.0

Webtwopointoh - Create your own 2.0 company. View.
Labels: FUN 2.0

Wordcountjournal - Publish longer & longer postings. View.
Labels: FUN 2.0, GAMING 2.0, PUBLISHING 2.0

Yay2dot0logoparody - Traditional brands in 2.0 design style. View.
Labels: BRANDING 2.0, DESIGN 2.0 (GRAPHICAL -), FUN 2.0

Youhavebo - Anti-social software. View.
Labels: FUN 2.0, SOCIAL SOFTWARE 2.0

Italic = first time in this index.

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