29 August 2007

GAME 2.0: 72 ways to have fun with or make some money on multi-player virtual worlds, in game economies, role playing, augmented reality & contests

Many online multiplayer games (specifically of the MMORPG kind) already are in a 'Web 3.0' stage. This category will dominate much of the discussion on where interactive media and channels are going for the coming years. The craze around Second Life is proving my point: the best MMORPG's are about being and having.
In this list you'll mainly find samples of smaller web-based games with one or more typical 2.0 symptoms.

15 additions in this update, in italic.

Alexadex* - Buy & sell shares in sites
Arcaplay - Rate & share games
Averageshoveler - Game & RSS news mash-up
Babble - Word game community
Backseatplayground - ARG using GPS for gameplay in real world (documentary video)
Bliss - Customize game to couple’s needs
Blocksavvy - Habbo for adults
Blufr - Multi-player trivia knowledge game
Bunchball - Play games with your friends
Claimtheearth - Massive mash-up geo game
Crowdiq - Social delphi; set up your own exchange for futures
Curse - MMOG portal & community
Entropia*** - 3D entertainment & trading community
ES3** - Social military training game
Faketown - Create, buy, sell, trade & share virtual assets
Fastr - Guess game; Flickr mash-up
Flickrball - Scavenger-hunt game using Flickr thumbnails and tags for clues
Flickrsudoku - Sudoku game based on Flickr images
Gaia - Play games & make friends
Galaxiki - Co-create, maintain and own a universe
Gamerankings - Vote for & rank games
Gmworldwar - Risk-like MMO on maps mash-up
Goggles* - Flight simulator's map mash-up
Googlefight* - Compare search results
Guess-the-google - Guess game; Google mash-up
Guildcafe - Share your MMORPG history & play
Gunzonline - Shoot, stab, run & jump
Inkling* - Social delphi, exchange for futures
Ispott - Mobile treasure hunt
Itsdex - Trading game in 2.0-related shares & bonds
Kdice - Multiplayer strategy game using Google's web toolkit
Kongregate - Gamers community
Kwizzical - Play quiz & share or donate money
Limbo (olim Limbo41414) - Participate in lowest unique bid auctions & sweepstakes - using your cell
Llor - Build your street
Maps-quiz - Where is that-quiz (addictive!)
Megabuzz - Participate in buzz game & win prizes
Memory - Memory + Yahoo images mash-up
Millionsofgames - Review & share games
Mobspray* - Create & share graffiti in places thru mobile2RFID
Montage-a-google - Tag based random photo montage; Google mash-up
Multitap - Share, rate, discuss & categorize screenshots
Multiverse - Network of MMOGs and 3D virtual worlds
Mybigfishgames - Review & share casual games & get rewarded
Mygame* - Personalize your games
Naughtyamerica* - Multiplayer video sexgame
Perplexcity - Treasure hunt (ARG)
Phetch - Image treasure hunt (to help visually impaired people)
Phrasr - Add photos to phrases; Flickr mash-up
Pickdee - Organize & share competitions
Pickspal - Compete with friends on sports bets
Reflexive* - Cocreate & play games
Relate-a-zon - Pathfinder game (mash-up with Amazon)
Robinfood - Subscribe to gameshow, donate; if you win spend 1 million on good causes
Rupture - Publish your profile as a gamer & connect to people you play with
Scratch* - Animate games & tutorials, share & educate eachother
Sf0 - Collaborative production game & community
Sfzero - Build your character by completing group tasks
Spigit - Show, simulate & share your solutions with other developers
Sploder** - Play, make & share games
Spore*** - User generated gameplay & characters
Swopster - Share game software
Synthravels* - Virtual travel agency (only game destinations!)
Tapatap - Cross media contest community (http://waptapatapcom/tapatap-userwap/)
Theburgg - Draw a movie scene & have other users guess from which movie
Thesuperheroquiz - Test which superhero you are
Trivionomy - Create, edit & play trivia game
Votigo** - Create & share a video or photo contest (addictive!)
Voxpop - Opinion games re pop culture topics
Weblo - Play & earn in world game
Weewar* - Multiplayer strategy map game (see how other users play!)
Windowslocallive - Race your own street

Italic = new. Update 061224, 070119, 070303, 070517, 070829.

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