17 May 2007

BOOKMARK 2.0 - Update

This is one of the most crowded categories, but it's not onedimensional at all. Many bookmarking concepts cross over to or have symptoms of e.g. link bank concepts, notepad concepts, Digg-like concepts and NEWS 2.0 concepts. Since the fall of 2006 I only add websites that have original features or a remarkably high quality.

6-Clicks - Add keywords to websites
9rules - Validate & share links to content
Abstractmouse - Social bookmarking
Addthis - Collect 'all' information with one button
Allmyfavorites - Social bookmarking
Allyourwords - Associate & share words with links
Backflip - Social bookmarking
Blabb - Social bookmarking
Blinkist - Social bookmarking
Blogelo - Rate & share websites
Blogmarks - Social bookmarking
Bluedot - Social bookmarking
Blummy - Manage your bookmarks
Bmaccess - Social bookmarking with thumbs
Bookmarktracker - Social bookmarking
Buddymarks - Social bookmarking
Butterfly~ - Bookmark & annotate
Cchits - Social bookmarking
Changetolink - Create, bookmark & share pages
Chuquet* - Find buzzes
Clipmarks - Social clipping
Collectfavorites - Social bookmarking
Commontimes - Social bookmarking & clippings
Connectedy - Social bookmarking
Connotea - Social bookmarking (for researchers)
Darkeye - Submit, review, rate & share websites
Deepquote - Create links to quotes
Delicious* - Social bookmarking
Delirious - Social bookmarking
Digglicious - Mash-up of Digg & Delicious
Diigo - Social bookmarking on steroids
Dine52 - Social bookmarking
Dogear - Social bookmarking
Ensiting - Share links with friends
Favmark - Social bookmarking
Favoritoo - Social bookmarking
Favr~ - Social bookmarking
Fazed - Share cool links
Feedalley - Social bookmarking
Feedmarker - Social bookmarking for news
Feedmelinks - Social bookmarking
Fisz~ - Social bookmarking
Foxcloud - Social bookmarking
Freelink - Social bookmarking
Fungow - Social bookmarking
Furl - Clip, store & share web pages
Getboo - Social bookmarking
Givealink - Donate & share bookmarks
Guicookies - Social bookmarking
Hyperlinkomatic - Social bookmarking
i89 - Social bookmarking
Icio - Social bookmarking & rating
Ikeepbookmarks - Social bookmarking
Indiza - Tag-based bookmarks
Jeteye - Clip & share (parts of) web pages
Kidlinkz - Bookmark for your kids
Kmfavorites - Social bookmarking
Kraytiv - Bookmark pages relating to creativity
Lilisto - Social bookmarking
Linkatopia - Social bookmarking
Linklog~ - Social bookmarking
Linkroll - Social bookmarking
Listible - Folksonomied software & code search
Listmixer - Social bookmarking (temporary links)
Livemarks - Live update of Delicious
Looklater - Private bookmarking
Lookmarks - Social bookmarking
Lookthisup - Social bookmarking
Lycosiq - Social bookmarking + Q&A
Magnolia - Social bookmarking & voting
Maple - Social bookmarking
Markaboo - Bookmark & share anything
Maxigate - Social bookmarking desktop
Mister-wong - Social bookmarking (German)
Mobilicious - Mobile social bookmarking
Multipost - Make your own multipost bookmarklet tool
Mybookmarkmanager - Social bookmarking
Mybookmarks - Social bookmarking
Myhq - Social bookmarking
Mylinkvault - Social bookmarking
Mypip - Social bookmarking
My-tuts - Social tutorial bookmarking (and soon: publishing)
Namakkal - Store, share & tag bookmarks
Netvouz - Social bookmarking
Onerandomsite - Add & share links & surf at random
Onlinebookmarkmanager - Social bookmarking
Onlywire - Social bookmarking aggregator
Oyax - Social bookmarking
Philoi - Social bookmarking
Pixpix - Bookmark & share media
Pixrat - Social photo bookmarking
Postr - Post bookmarks to many services
Qoosa - Social bookmarking
Recommendit - Social bookmarking
Sabrosus - Store & share bookmarks
Scratchlist - Social bookmarking, partly automated
Scuttle - Social bookmarking
Searchfox - Social bookmarking
Searchles - Submit, tag & share sites
Shadows - Social bookmarking
Simile - Interoperates metadata in unlike environments
Simpy - Social bookmarking, tagging & search
Sitebar - Social bookmarking
Sitejot - Social bookmarking
Sitetagger - Social bookmarking
Sloog - Social bookmarking for Second Life residents
Slurlmaker* - Bookmark sites in Second Life
Smarking - Social bookmarking
Snipit - Clip parts of web pages
Snipplr - Delicious for programmers
Socialbookmarking - Social bookmarking
Socialfront - Meta social bookmarking
Socializer - Submit social bookmarks at many websites
Socialposter - Meta bookmark submitter
Spurl - Bookmarking & search
Staralicious - Digg (news about) celebrities
Startaid - Manage & share your (thumb) bookmarks
Stufflinker - Mobile and web bookmarking
Stumbleupon - Social bookmarking (random sharing)
Surftail - Share your click paths
Sync2it - Social bookmarking
Syncone - Social bookmarking
Taggle - Social bookmarking, tagged (German)
Tagmos~ - Social bookmarking
Tagsrus - Social bookmarking
Tagtooga - Social bookmarking
Techcheatsheets - Share cheats
Thumblicious - Displays thumbs of most pupular delicious sites http://thumblicious/
Toread - Social bookmarking
Trexy - Share your click paths
Turboclip - Publish, access, manage & share bookmarks
Urlex - Leave comments on any website
Wirefan - Social bookmarking & discovery
Xilinus - Social bookmarking
Yahoomyweb2 - Social bookmarking
Zurpy - Save & organize bookmarks

Italic = new. Updated 061220, 070119, 070303, 070517 (Corrected 070527).

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