23 December 2006

FINANCE 2.0 - consolidated

Surpisingly few 2.0 initiatives in the financial sector. And there's so much to gain! Deploying 2.0 thinking in financial services could be the most disruptive of all.

Beggr - Give me your money
Billhighway - Budget, collect, pay between roommates, fraternities, etc.
Billq - Keep track of your bills
Blinksale - Web-based invoicing
Budgettracker - Track your finances
Bullpoo - Find, share & collaborate on investment information
Buxfer - Keep track of shared costs
Capitoolvertical - Search VCs & entrepreneurs (Subm. by Baris Karadogan)
Collectiveintellect - Collect, filter, analyze & trade on financial data
Cyclr - Manage financial obligations
Dimewise - Manage your finances
Foonance - Manage your finances
Foxway - Track your budget
Freshbooks - Online invoicing and time tracking service
Frugalbetty - Manage your spendings
Fundamentalee - Due diligence portal
Gstock - Volunteer to participate in supercomputing for stocks
Investle - Community based investment decision making
Iohu - Manage bills (Stealth)
Ioweyou - Manage loans & shared expenses
Mileguru - Aggregate all your loyalty points on 1 page
Moneytrackin - Manage your budget & expenses & share it
Moneytwins - Exchange currencies without banks
Motleyfoolcaps - Pool your knowledge on stock buying
Mvelopes - Manage your finances
Networthiq - Track, share & compare your net worth
Onestatement - Manage your finances online (Stealth)
Pearbudget - Create your budget, track your expenses
Ripple - Be your own banker
Secondsite - Web-based invoicing
Simplybill - Invoice management (Stealth)
Socialpicks - Analyse & recommend stocks with your peers
Spicydigits - Manage shared expenses
Squawklive* - Mashes up stock data & news, sends alerts
Stocktickr - Create & share stock watchlists
Swarmofangels - Participate in new cinema
Vcdiggz - Community based deal sourcing firm
Vcnewscentral - Digg start-up & VC news
Venturfundr - Online self-serve venture firm
W8alth - Get rich or become an investor
Wageexchange - Share your salary
Yodlee - Bank, pay, manage your wealth & risk
Zecco~ - Trade stocks for free
Gradr - Rank, research & discuss stocks

Update 061221

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is another one you may want to add to your list, FeedTheBull. http://www.feedthebull.com

I see that you have bullpoo, stocktickr and zecco on your links. FeedTheBull is similar to those sites, with most of the functionalities of these sites. We are updating our design and introducing our investment game at the end of the month. Maybe this is a site you would want to add to your list. If you have any questions, I would be more than happy to answer them.

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