16 July 2006

J - M

Jabbin - PC2PC voip (Jabber client) - Communicate
Jabphone - Messenger2phone - Communicate
Jaiku - Social phone directory showing where you are (Nokia S60 2nd ed.) - Community
Jajah - Free phone calls, glocally - Communicate
Jalbum - Web-based album tools - Images
Jambase - Personalized news on live music - Audio
Jambo - Discover who's nearby & reconnect live - Community
Jamendo - Review, tag, rate & share music - Audio
Jamjar - Flash collaboration suite for small groups - Collaborate
Jangl - Hide your cell phone number (Stealth) - Communicate
Jauntlet - Track & trace yourself - Geo
Javakicks - Digg Java news - Dig
Jazznoodle - Digg politics - Dig
Jellybarn - Upload, edit, manage, share your photos - Images
Jellyfish - Shopping search engine - Ecommerce
Jeteye - Clip & share (parts of) web pages - Bookmark
Jibjab - Create & share your funniest stuff (Stealth) - Community
Jigsaw - Subscribe, buy, sell sales contacts - Marketing
Jimmystv - Post, watch & share videos - Video
Jira - Issue tracking - Organize
Jiwire - Locate & map Wi-fi hotspots - Wi-fi
Jobazaar - Tagged job offerings - Employment
Jobneters - Job vacancies & map mash-up (UK) - Employment
Jobsearch2.0 - List of job boards 2.0 - About
Joesgoals - Manage & share your tasks - Office
Joga - Nike + Google community - Marketing
Jookster - Search, rank & share - Search
Jotcloud - Leave notes on websites - Office
Jotform - Make your Ajax webforms - Office
Jotlet - Share your schedule online - Office
Jots - Information sharing - Knowledge
Jotspot - Take one set of notes, live - Office
Joyent - ASP hosting of email, calendars, contacts… - Store
JPG - Submit, phlog & vote on photos - Publish
JS-Kit - Add comment features to your website - Software
Judysbook - Review & rate your neighbourhood - Ecommerce
Jumglue - Upload, edit, publsih & share remixes - Multimedia
Jumpclaimer - Inform your relatives about your whereabouts thru sms - Communicate
Jumpcut - Create, explore, remix & share movies - Video
Jungledisk - Store your data - Store
Junklog - Rate, review & share media - Multimedia
Justcurious - Q&A at random - Fun
Juststepsaway - Deep filtered vertical search for vacation rentals - Search
Juvino - Reroute your mobile calls and texting - Communicate
Jux2 - Meta search - Search
Juxel - Tag interfaced porn - Porn
Jyamit - Search for places - Search
Jyve - Find, meet & interact with Skype users - Community

Kaboodle - Information sharing - Knowledge
Kaneva - Digital entertainment marketplace - Multimedia
Kanoodle - Sponsored links services - Marketing
Kanosis - Upload your files & use extra apps (MLM) - Store
Karmadu - Thank people by sending them karma points - Community
Karmus - Create, share & contribute whatever (Stealth) - Community
Kartoo** - Clustered, mapped search - Search
Kayak - Price comparison with user input for travel - Ecommerce
Kayakbuzz - Find cheap destinations; Google Maps mash-up - Ecommerce
Kaywa - Publish & share multimedia on web & cell - Multimedia
Keepaddit~ - Digg on marketing - Marketing
Keepmytime - Web-based timekeeping - Organize
Keepvid - Search & download videos - Video
Keotag - Keyword and tag search - Search
Kepty - Publish about web, get rated & get paid for it - Publish
Kevo - Collaborate on VIP's biographies & gossip - Collaborate
Kewego~ - Publish, rate & share videos - Video
Keyworddensitychecker - Visualizes keywords (metatags) in clouds - Tag
Kickapps - Adds 2.0-things and video to your website - Software
Kickrss - Blend several feeds into 1 - RSS
Kidlinkz - Bookmark for your kids - Bookmark
Kiko - Online calendar - Office
Kinja - Search blogs - Search
Kisstokiss - Dating - Date
Kitbit* - Strives to emulate natural intelligence thru accumulated experience - R&D
Kittenauth - Protection against spambots - Software
Klabol - Web 2.0 list - About
Klipfolio - Personal portal - Portal
Kmfavorites - Social bookmarking - Bookmark
Knacktion - Share & sell your talent & content - Economy
Knover - Discover who's connected to what & whom - Search
Knowbrainers - Q&A - Knowledge
Knowmore - Consumers unite - Economy
Knownow - Connecting data, apps & people - News
Kolektors - Create, manage, access & share your collections - List
Kollabor8 - Collaborate on image mutations - Images
Koolanoo - Jewish social network - Community
Koolim - Meta messenger - Communicate
Koolweb2.0 - Find & rank 2.0 websites - About
Kopete - Universal messenger - Communicate
Koral - Content & document management system - Software
Koreacrunch - Reviews Korean 2.0 companies - About
Kosmix - Verticle search - Search
Kowari - Store, retrieve or analyse metadata - Dbase
Kozoru - Q&A search system (Stealth) - Knowledge
Kramkoob - Submit your online properties for 1 second fame - Marketing
Kramkoob - Submit & share your site, blog, auction, news, vidcast or podcast - Marketing
Kratia - Search, vote & rank results - Search
Krawlerx - Create, search, share & build community around your media (Stealth) - Community
Kraytiv - Bookmark pages relating to creativity - Bookmark
Kritx - Social reviewing - Economy
Krugle - Search open source software - Software
Ksolo - Record & share karaoke songs - Audio
Külist - Search, compare, bookmark best prices - Ecommerce
Kweschun - Q&A - Knowledge
Kwizzical - Play quiz & share or donate money - Game

Lala - Swam CDs, from July 4th - Ecommerce
Lastfm* - Profile your taste, share, personalize your radio - Audio
Laszlo - Web 2.0 software - Software
Launchcast - Create your own web radio stations - Audio
Lazybase - Create, manage & share databases - Dbase
Leftoverlunch - Share your leftovers - Fun
Lemonzoo - Upload, rate & share funny media - Multimedia
Lendmonkey - Trade everything - Economy
Letspowwow - Meet & work together on documents - Organize
Leve1 - Share news - News
Lexxe - Meaningful search - Search
Librarious - Catalogue your collection - List
Librarything - Catalogue & share your library - List
Licketyship - Home-delivery supermarket; retail & couriers co-operation - Ecommerce
Licketytrip - Last minute vacation rentals (map mash-up) - Ecommerce
Lifelogger - Share audio, video & photos - Multimedia
Lifeo - All to the people (Stealth) - Software
Lifetype - Blogging software - Publish
Lightenment - Publish & share reviews of gadgets - Ecommerce
Lightstalkers - Networking & discussion tools for professional travelers - Community
Lijit* - Social contextual search - Search
Like - Find article you want and do a likeness search - Search
Lilisto - Social bookmarking - Bookmark
Limbo41414 - Dutch auction - Ecommerce
Lime - Help & inspire eachother - Collaborate
Linatree - Download, print & assemble your photo camera - Personal manufacturing
Lingr - Chat community - Communicate
Linkatopia - Social bookmarking - Bookmark
Linkedfeed - Folksonomied news - News
Linkedin - Manage and share your cv - Community
Linkedwords - Search with context - Search
Linkfilter - Digg news - Dig
Linkgrab - Submit & share links on design - Design
Linklike - Link exchange - Marketing
Linklog~ - Social bookmarking - Bookmark
Linknsurf - Track & share blogs on your mobile - Publish
Linkput - Results with suer input - Search
Linkroll - Social bookmarking - Bookmark
Linkrss - Create, store & syndicate your own rss feeds - RSS
Lisensa - Manage your digital rights through licensing - DRM
Listal - List & share all your media - Multimedia
Listd - Accelerate your Ebay listings - Ecommerce
Listerlister - Create, share & vote for lists - List
Listfoo - Create & share lists - List
Listible - Folksonomied software & code search - Bookmark
Listmixer - Social bookmarking (temporary links) - Bookmark
Listofbests - List & share products, places, people, goals, erc - List
Listofweb20 - List of lists with Web 2.0 websites (Subm. By Maarten Visser) - About
Listography - Publish, share or read lists - List
Listpool - Create, manage & share to-do lists - Organize
Listr20 - Lists "all" Flickr-like spelled domain names - Fun
Listsomething - Share any list to buy & sell things, services - Economy
Litepost - Webmail - Communicate
Literature-map - User-built literature database - List
Litespellchecker - Check spelling as you type - Office
Littlewiki - Create wiki pages - Publish
Live - Personal portal - Portal
Livedigital - Store, share, produce, distribute your content - Multimedia
Livedoorsearchbox - Search in IE window border - Search
Livejournal - Join or create your own community - Community
Livelocker - Digg multimedia - Dig
Livemarks - Live update of Delicious - Bookmark
Livepagerank - Check your PR - Stats
Liveplasma* - Search & find other things to your taste - Search
Livesearch* - Refine your search while you type - Search
Llor - Build your street - Game
Locallive - Windows maps - Geo
Localspring - Social yellow pages directory - Ecommerce
Logahead - Blog solution - Publish
Logopond - Submit, rate & discuss graphical design - Images
Loki* - Search & navigate web & real life - Search
Longbets - Prediction competition for charities - Gamble
Looklater - Private bookmarking - Bookmark
Lookmarks - Social bookmarking - Bookmark
Lookthisup - Social bookmarking - Bookmark
Lookupahookup - Create or join an expert or experience group - Knowledge
Loomia - Folksonomied media search - Multimedia
Loopnote - Notification webware - Office
Loowa - Claim your email address, share your profile - Community
Lopico - Social business directory - Ecommerce
Loquendotts - Text2sneeze - Communicate
Lostcherry - Social network for youngsters - Community
Loudblog - CMS inc - Publish
Lovento - Find friends & events - Community
Lowlandsguide~** - Explore the lay of the Lowland Festival with this mobile app - Geo
Lphanr - Multi compatible P2P file sharing - Multimedia
Lulu - Publish & sell your content - Multimedia
Lumrix - Semantic search engine - Search
Luvup - American version of Zuzu - Office
Lyceum - Enterprise multi-user blogging - Software
Lycosiq - Social bookmarking + Q&A - Bookmark
Lyrics~ - Share lyrics & music information - Collaborate

Mabber - Mobile messenger - Communicate
Mackicks - Digg Mac news - Dig
Madville - Submit & share mad stuff - Community
Magg - Aggregates movies from many websites - Video
Magnolia - Social bookmarking & voting - Bookmark
Magnoto - Phlog & blog - Multimedia
Mail2RSS - Inmail2RSS - Communicate
Mailbigfile - Mail large files - Store
Mailchimp - Design & code your newsletter, and have it distributed - Marketing
Mailinator - Disposable email + spam mash-up - Geo
Mailvault - Store, process & encrypt your email - Communicate
Mainada - Create & share comics - Publish
Majestic12* - Distributed search engine - Search
Majikwidget - Customize & integrate widgets on your blog - Software
Makemewatchtv - Vote for shows this guy has to watch - Video
Makidi - Search for people (?) - Search
Mamjam - Location based instant messaging - Communicate
Mamma - Meta search - Search
Mangeloo - Run IM on all devices & everwywhere - Communicate
Mangezmangez - Publish, review & share restaurant information - Community
Mansion - Betting exchange - Gamble
Manyworlds - Explore business info reviewed & ranked by experts - Knowledge
Map24 - Route finder; 3D - Geo
Mapable - Build & share chatrooms & communities - Community
Mapbuilder - Mash-up your own maps - Geo
Mapchatter - Chat on maps - Communicate
Mapeire - User generated lowest price finder; Google Maps mash-up - Ecommerce
Maple - Social bookmarking - Bookmark
Mapmix - Find your friends (map mash-up) - Community
Mappedup~* - Map your feed sources geographically - RSS
Mappr - Map Flickr photos per tag - Geo
Mapsack - Map, discover & share places - Geo
Mapstats - Map blog traffic - Stats
Mapsurface - Web stats - Stats
Marco - How not to launch a Web 2.0 site - About
Markaboo - Bookmark & share anything - Bookmark
Marketpicks - Digg for stock information - News
Marktd - Digg marketing stories - Marketing
Mashable - 2.0 blog - About
Mashmap - Find movies & showtimes (map mash-up) - Ecommerce
Mashplanet - Find & submit mash-ups per category - Geo
Mashupfeed - RSS alerts for mash-ups - About
Matchactivity - Connect to likeminded people - Date
Matchbook - Betting exchange - Gamble
Matchmypet - Find a date for your pet - Search
Matriceservices - Web 2.0 annotated logo cloud - About
Maxigate - Social bookmarking desktop - Bookmark
Maxthon - Tabbed browser, IE-compatible - Browse
Mayasmom - Something with parenting - Community
Mayomi - Mind map & share - Collaborate
Maywehelp - Surf any web page & Chat with other site visitors (Subm. by Marcel) - Communicate
Measuremap - Blog stats - Stats
Mecanbe - Share your goals and inspirations - Collaborate
Mecenax - Donate & enjoy drm protected content - DRM
Mecommerce - Resell stuff thru your blog - Ecommerce
Mediafire - Limitless up&downloads - Store
Mediamashup - Create, mix & share media - Multimedia
Mediamatrix - Isolate, segment & annotate media - Multimedia
MediaMax* - Store, manage & share media - Multimedia
Mediascrape - Repackage video news - Video
Mediasilo - Digital asset management - Video
Mediatuner - Manage text & rich media feeds - Multimedia
Meebo - Integrates several messengers - Communicate
Meet-a-local - Find local hosts in other cities (German) - Community
Meetmoi - Mobile dating - Date
Meetro - Find friends nearby (thru messenger) - Community
Meetup - Find common interests & organize meetings - Community
Meetwithapproval - Organize & manage meetings - Office
Meevee - Search, upload, share, review & vote tv content - Search
Mefeedia - Find & subscribe to vlog video streams - Video
Megite - Discover & help select news - News
Megos - Publish & share your profile (Stealth) - Community
Melodeo - Listen to, share, discuss & create podcast playlists, on your cell - Audio
Memeorandum - Folksonomied news summaries - News
Meme-stream - Digg funny things - Dig
Memetrics* - Optimize your marketing across media - Marketing
Memigo - Digg news - Dig
Memory - Memory + Yahoo images mash-up - Game
Memoryark - Publish & share stories & photos - Multimedia
Memotoo - Office online (French) - Office
Memstream - Bookmark, rank & share interesting news - News
Mendix*~ - Semantic application development - Software
Mercora - Search music & get recommendations - Audio
Merit - Treemap for Marine Corps Equipment Readiness Information Tool - Dbase
Messagr - Find & communicate with people with matching interests or knowledge - Communicate
Meta - 2.0 forum solution - Software
Metacafe - Upload & share video - Video
Metadot - Build your own website, intranet, portal - Software
Metafilter - Digg web projects - Dig
Metaglossary - Meta web search for word definitions - Office
Metaweather - Put aggregated weather feeds on your site - RSS
Metawishlist - List & share your wishes - List
Mexbrowser - Stream all media in this browser - Multimedia
Miaplaza - Connect with friends, family etc. - Community
Mightyv - web-based tv search & epg (UK) - Video
Mikons - Create & share your own icons - Community
Mileguru - Aggregate all your loyalty points on 1 page - Finance
Milliondollarhomepage* - Buy pixels to finance study - Economy
Millionsofgames - Review & share games - Game
Mindpicnic - Choose a course, learn online - E-learning
Minglenow - Connect with places & people - Community
Minitellus - Share your experience with & meet students - Community
Mister-wong - Social bookmarking (German) - Bookmark
Mint - Site analytics software - Stats
Minti - Parents community - Community
Mirpod - Tuner, radio & tv to play RSS feeds or xspf - Multimedia
Mitup - Set up, manage & invite to meetings - Office
Mixd - Text & send pix & vids to groups of friends - Communicate
Mixtaping - Upload & share songs, compilations & mixes - Audio
Mmmzr - Buy space on this page now, or your price doubles - Marketing
Mmotr - Automotive (dating) community - Community
Mnemo - Refine your search terms - Search
Mobango - Discover & share mobile media - Multimedia
Mobbah~ - Email or wap your photo + location - Communicate
Mobber - Create instant community & chat while you surf - Community
Mobileglu - Web services to your mobile - Portal
Mobilereporters~ - Upload & share your video - Video
Mobilicious - Mobile social bookmarking - Bookmark
Mobitv - Get tv & radio on your cell & laptop - Video
Moblee - Opt in to offers direct to your mobile - Ecommerce
Mobsaver - Price comparison thru your cell - Ecommerce
Mobspray* - Create & share graffiti in places thru mobile2RFID - Game
Mobunga - Share & discover videos from multi devices - Video
Mochikit - Suite of JS libraries - Software
Mochilla - Buy & sell your media content - Multimedia
Mochimention - Leave & share comments & ratings anywhere online - Dig
Mockingbird - Collaborative design (Stealth) - Design
Mofile - Upload & share your files - Store
Mog - Digg games - Dig
Mojizu - Create & share characters - Community
Mojoflix - Upload & share vids - Video
Mologogo - Share where you are - Community
Momb - 2.0 list - About
Mommybuzz - Moms connect with moms - Community
Moneytrackin' - Manage your budget & expenses & share it - Finance
Moneytwins - Exchange currencies without banks - Finance
Monitor110** - One-stop semantic financial research suite - Search
Monitorus - Personalized portal - Portal
Monkeybites - 2.0 blog - About
Monkeyon - Remind someone else on to-dos - Organize
Montage-a-google - Tag based random photo montage; Google mash-up - Game
Montastic - Monitor your website - Software
Monthlydollar - The world's 1st internet employee - Fun
Moo - Use Flickr photos into printed business cards - Images
Moodle - Course management system for learning communities - E-learning
Moodpage - Community based on mood matching? (Stealth) - Community
Moodviews~ - Stats for LiveJournal moods - Stats
Mooflex - CMS for forums - Publish
Moola - Win millions with sponsored game (Stealth) - Marketing
Mooter - Clustered search - Search
Mophone - Store & share mobile content - Multimedia
Moqvo - Upload & share your media - Multimedia
Morguefile - Public image archive - Images
Mosaicglobe - Upload & share photos, artwork, ideas - Multimedia
Mosuki - Arrange meetings & events online - Office
Mothersclick - Share knowledge on motherhood (Stealth) - Community
Mothrfuckr - Submit & vote for the worst of Web 2.0 - Fun
Motionbox - Share videos - Video
Motionmall - Design & insert webads - Ecommerce
Motleyfoolcaps - Pool your knowledge on stock buying - Finance
Motorken - Digg automotive news - Bookmark
Motorpulse - Digg cars - Dig
Mousebrains - Thought starter for advertising creatives - Knowledge
Movielens - List, review & discuss films - Video
Moviemasher - Publish, share & edit video online (for sale!) - Video
Movietally - Catalogue, recommend & share movie info - Video
Mozeo - Text cast to & chat with your own group on your cell - Communicate
Mozes - Share information & people thru your mobile - Community
Mozesmob - Mobile Q&A - Knowledge
Mozilla - Browser add-ons & mash-ups - Software
Mozillakicks - Digg Mozilla news - Dig
Mozy - Upload & backup your files - Store
MP3tunes - Upload & listen to your music - Audio
Mpire - Track price trends when you shop - Ecommerce
Mrdealio - Compare & track prices - Ecommerce
Msgurl - Shorten links - Software
MSIG - Generate a 2.0-ish logo online - Images
Msinfocard - Microsoft's identity metasystem - Identity
Mturk* - Complete simple tasks & get paid - Economy
Mugshot - Submit & share links & media - Multimedia
Muiso - Track your taste, get recommendations - Audio
Multiply - Store, share & discuss multimedia - Multimedia
Multipost - Make your own multipost bookmarklet tool - Bookmark
Multitap - Share, rate, discuss & categorize screenshots - Game
Multi-touch* - Handy interface - Design
Multiverse - Network of MMOGs and 3D virtual worlds - Game
Musestorm*** - Metasearch in Flash (several interfaces) - Search
Musicarsenal - Music business management tools - Software
Musichawk - Share the artists you're into - Community
Musicmap - Search & find other things to your taste - Search
Musicmobs - Share your tastes & find music - Audio
Musicovery - Web radio from Liveplasma - Audio
Musicstrands - Tag, share & post music community - Audio
Musipedia - Search, edit, expand & share collection of tunes - Audio
Mustseeblog - Comparison of 40+ Video 2.0 pages - About
Mvelopes - Manage your finances - Finance
Mybet - Betting exchange - Gamble
Mybigfishgames - Review & share casual games & get rewarded - Game
Mybigriver - Find while you type; Amazon mash-up - Search
Mybloglog - Blog analytics - Stats
Mybookmarkmanager - Social bookmarking - Bookmark
Mybookmarks - Social bookmarking - Bookmark
Mybookyourbook - Register, list & swop books - List
My-brand - Manage online advertising online - Marketing
Mycool - Search, create & share special interest groups (Subm. by Romasha Roy Choudhury) - Community
Mydeathspace - Directory of dead Myspace members - Community
Myemail - Check email anywhere - Communicate
Myfabrik - Store, manage & share your media - Store
Myfeedz - Customize your news & get recommendations - News
Myfilmz - List, review & discuss films - Video
Myfoodphone - Monitor & modify eating habits with your camera phone - VAS
Myfreeimplants - Get a boob job or help her get one - Community
Myfreelanceauction - Buy or sell web services - Economy
Mygamma - Mobile community - Community
Myheritage - Upload & share photos & recognize faces - Images
Myhomepoint - Family calendar - Office
Myhommy - Personal portal (Israeli) - Portal
Myhq - Social bookmarking - Bookmark
Mylid - Multi-protocal identity provider - Identity
Mylinkvault - Social bookmarking - Bookmark
Mylongtail - Optimize search engine findability - Marketing
Myme - Create your online avatar - Identity
Mymediaroom - Publish & manage PR documents & info - Publish
Mymemorizer - Share calendar & get alerts - Office
Mynewplace - Find & rent your new home - Ecommerce
Mynoteit - Store & access school information - Store
Mynumo - Create, share or sell mobile content - Multimedia
Myopenid - Skip tedious profile form-filling - Identity
Mypicklist - Share & recommend things you love - List
Mypictr* - Create & publish your profile pic for social softwares - Images
Mypip - Social bookmarking - Bookmark
Myprogs - List & find software - List
Myspace - Communicate with & share content with your friends - Community
Mystickies* - Browse, search, sort & edit notes online - Office
Mystyledesigns - Your body, your shape, your clothes - mass customized - Ecommerce
Mytago - Semacodes to connect offline & online worlds - Tag
Mytheme - Animate images online - Images
Myticklerfile - Manage your and others' tasks - Office
Mytimelines - RSS2Timeline - Organize
Mytriggers - Price comparison alert services - Ecommerce
Mytube - Upload & share photos, video, musix - Multimedia
My-tuts - Social tutorial bookmarking (and soon: publishing) - Bookmark
Myvideokaraoke - Sing & share your song on video - Multimedia
Myvmarks - Social bookmarking - Bookmark
Myvtc* - Share media & documents for generations to come - Community
Mywebdesktop - Personal & collaborative desktop functions - Office

Update 061224

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